Next Episode: July 2006 Week 4

Are You Aware of The Common Pitfalls in Business?
Awareness Precedes Action

Ellie Drake

Common Pitfalls to be Aware of in Business:

Here are some possible resistance's along the way, not necessarily for us to avoid and resist, but most importantly to be aware of and know that they are there. Even the most dedicated traveler on this journey, will come across pitfalls.

First pitfall: Obsessive goal orientation -

Although it is great to set ambitious goals, the best way to reaching them is to cultivate modest expectations along the way, and most importantly to celebrate every small achievement. Remember every step in this journey is it's own destination. As an example, when we are climbing a mountain, we must be aware of where the peak is, however if we keep looking at the peak, we might become overwhelmed and enter the state of judgment and analysis. This by the way, will cause a reverse effect, sometimes making us go backwards. Let's make sure that we keep our eyes on the path, enjoying every step in this process, understanding that the peak is only a land mark. By the way, we must also realize that the peak is only a step in the journey from which we choose the next peak. Life is full of peaks for a person who wants to live their potential as a human being. Therefore, we might as well enjoy the process of getting to each of them.

Next pitfall: No goal setting -

Sometimes as human beings, we tend to refuse to set goals merely because we are carrying the burden of having set them in the past, but not having accomplished them. We must realize that if we do not accomplish a goal, it's only because we are human. But as long as we learn from it, and keep on setting healthy step by step goals, we will end up accomplishing a majority of them in the long run. Those who have succeeded, have also failed. The only difference is that they succeeded more than they failed. Therefore, setting healthy goals along the way can sharpen and empower us. Persistent healthy goal setting will end up being persistent goal getting!

Next pitfall: Little competitiveness -

A healthy level of competition is essential in business. It provides some spice. It sometimes brings about that extra level of willingness. It is true that the most important competition should be to compete with ourselves. However, it is important for us not to resist competition especially if we resist it because of not wanting to be disappointed. This is perhaps another subconscious pattern. So let's welcome a healthy level of competition understanding that we can be on the right track, but if we don't move, we might get run over.

Next pitfall: Over competitiveness -

Competition can provide the spice. However, when the spice becomes the biggest ingredient in the meal, then the player will get sick. A person who thinks about nothing but winning, will end up losing. The focus should be on one's purpose, and also enjoying the process. A healthy level of competition is good. An obsession with winning and competing will take us out of the flow. After all, we know by now that the Ego is never in the flow.

Next pitfall: Inconsistency -

Consistency is the only way to grow. Inconsistency takes energy and time. Being consistent, even on a part time basis, is much more powerful than coming in and out of this flow. Remember the example of the Rabbit and the Turtle? Sometimes in business, it is better to have a turtle mind set, than that of a Rabbit. I remember to create in my business, I had a rabbit-turtle combo. That means have the mind set of a turtle, with the motor skills of a rabbit. But that is perhaps another Article. One step at a time! Starting with consistent steps.

Next pitfall: Perfectionism -

For me, being a perfectionist brings about an instant self criticism component. I am glad to say that I have learned to be good to myself. Therefore, I have realized that to let go of perfectionism, means to get out of the way, and perform to the best of my ability in the moment. This also brings in an understanding that the next level will be more effective, and more efficient than this level. However, the next level will not occur, unless the current level is experienced fully without judgment and attachment. It's to believe that we can not merely wait till we are good. We must first do, and then we will be good. I have truly learned that perfectionism is one of the biggest blocks to creativity. I have also learned when I am creative, I accomplish more. When I accomplish more, I feel good. But to be creative, I now know that I must first feel good. So in this equation, the enzymes that catalyze the reaction are feeling good and being creative. This equals accomplishment. Perfectionism is the stop sign. It is the resistance in the way. Once again, I want to take the road of least resistance. So in the world of creativity, flow, and accomplishment, perfectionism is not an enzyme. It is a fungus! That should give you a nice mental picture! Ok. Moving right along!

Next pitfall: Plateaus -

In business, we so often resist plateaus. We feel that if we experience a plateau, then that means that something is not quite right out there with our business or our company. Although that sometimes can be true, but this definition can end up being one that exhausts and drains us. I have learned in my business to not resist the plateaus, but rather have them be an indication of perhaps an internal modification that might be required. That means that during a plateau, we could look inside and improve or change something that could allow us to grow. One step toward internal growth can sometimes end up being hundreds of steps toward external growth. Therefore, one will realize that a plateau can now be embraced rather than resisted. Building a business is so much more fun as well when a thing such as a plateaus is looked at differently.


Ellie Drake is CEO of BraveHeart Productions. She is a Keynote Speaker, Coach, Doctor, and Successful Entrepreneur. She realized her love for speaking at a very young age. Speaking comes from the core of her soul, and she inspires the audiences as she talks about the "American Dream" and her journey to America. Ellie came to America 14 years ago, and loves to talk about this great land of Liberty and Free Enterprise.

Ellie will make you laugh, cry, and get motivated when she shares the importance of living a passionate, fulfilling, and balanced life.

Ellie doesn't just speak, she lives what she speaks about. Because of her previous involvement in the industry of direct sales and as a result of being the top income earner in her company, she's able to share through experience what works, what doesn't, and why.

Ellie has shared the stage with:

T.Harv Eker

Les Brown

Mark Victor Hanson

Jim Rohn

Jerry Clark

Jeffrey Combs

Denis Waitley

Arthur Joseph

and many more!

Ellie is now highly sought in many countries, and is known for inspiring and educating her audiences to experience quantum leaps in every aspect of their lives. Learn more about Ellie at
