For those interested in attending the RBG Tribute event on Oct. 3, here is the link: Our featured idealist for today’s show is Franz Jaegerstaetter, the inspiration behind the movie, A Hidden Life—he lost his life because he refused to swear allegiance to Hitler in 1943. The Big Interview is with Leslie Wright, an…

For those interested in attending the RBG Tribute event on Oct. 3, here is the link: Our featured idealist for today’s show is Franz Jaegerstaetter, the inspiration behind the movie, A Hidden Life—he lost his life because he refused to swear allegiance to Hitler in 1943. The Big Interview is with Leslie Wright, an idealist from Iowa who is helping organizations imagine real, constructive change. In my C-Block I talk about a personal plea I made to some dearly loved relatives who voted for President Trump in the last election.