By Dan Schmitt |

A couple days ago, a meme, written by a guy named John Coleman Ray, showed up on my Facebook page. One of my Facebook friends decided to share the meme, and that’s how it came to me.  The meme simply said “Close our Borders. Let’s see how many shares we can get.”

 It’s left to the reader to interpret what exactly the very short meme means.  I’m pretty darn sure it’s not referring to the U.S./Canadian border, so it seems obvious to me the meme is referring to
our southern border. I certainly understand the concern Americans have about our southern border where thousands of desperate people, mostly from Central American countries, have amassed in northern Mexico in hopes of escaping poverty, violence and political turmoil in their own countries.

But, when John Coleman Ray says, “Close our Borders,” it’s a fair assumption he thinks our southern border is wide open and those desperate Central American folks can enter the United States at any time, at any place and make their way to wherever they wish to go in our country. That of course is not true.


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