Some of the year's biggest happenings in astrology will take place during March.  The first major move is that of Saturn into Pisces on the 7th. Saturn's ingress into the mutable water sign will take place under a full Moon in Virgo, the mutable earth sign.  Not one to ever be left out of the action, Mars will be in a 5° square to that full Moon, from the mutable air sign of Gemini.  After being in the Mercury-ruled sign since last August, Mars will also change signs in March.  More immediately, on the 15th, the passionate planet will move beyond the shadow of its recent retrograde.   Aggressive Mars describes our drive and our ability to act.  During a retrograde period, its intensity is turned inward.  In an air sign, this may have led to an agonizing period of mulling things over without being able to make or follow through on important decisions.

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