We went to BCB to meet with some very respected people in the Agave industry. This intro-episode is just a quick warm-up before we go deep. We were able to have conversations with Sergio "Cache" Mendoza (Don Fulano, Derrumbes), Don Guillermo Ericsson Sauza (Fortaleza) and from Rome's famous "La Punta" Mezcaleria: Roberto Artusio and Cristian Bugiada (they are involved in many other things too).

In high spirits

We went to BCB to meet with some very respected people in the Agave industry. This episode is just a quick warm-up before we go deep. We were able to interview Sergio "Cache" Mendoza (Don Fulano, Derrumbes), Don Guillermo Ericsson Sauza (Fortaleza) and from Rome's famous "La Punta" Mezcaleria: Roberto Artusio and Cristian Bugiada (they are involved in many other things too).