Elite Full Restore yet again took too long to make an episode, even with a fill-in host! We welcome back Zane as Aury enjoys their post-marital bliss, and nerd out more than usual. If this episode isn't showing up in your podcast feed, it's probably because iTunes and Google Play are being weird with the new episode URLs.

Literally what is Pokémon Duel
M2DESCENT is a real dumb code, but it'll get you some Mewtwo stones
Mega Pidgeot's Yu-Gi-Oh hair
Whining about online infrastructure: part one million
Matt mispronounces at least 3 Pokémon names and Zane doesn't call him out on it
What If Chatot Was Good?
Sinnoh confirmed
Pokémon is eSports now
Where is my fly Pokémon, Game Freak?
Literally every ROMhack is bad except one
The world's nerdiest discussion about sprite dimensions
Someone please draw Zane swinging a Victreebel like a flail


One Nation of Gamers tournament Rundown
Nugget Bridge's Portland Regionals coverage on Twitch
Ditto Magnemite plush
Pokemon Quartz Let's Play (This is quite old internet, so be forewarned of Edgy Humour)
Bogleech Pokémon reviews, now completed!
Technology is incredible text / pics
The incredible reference in this week's Thanks, Bulbapedia!

As usual, please visit us on the web (Twitter & Tumblr) and subscribe and rate us on Google Play and iTunes. We can also now be found on Discord!

Elite Full Restore yet again took too long to make an episode, even with a fill-in host! We welcome back Zane as Aury enjoys their post-marital bliss, and nerd out more than usual. If this episode isn’t showing up in your podcast feed, it’s probably because iTunes and Google Play are being weird with the new episode URLs.

Literally what is Pokémon Duel
M2DESCENT is a real dumb code, but it’ll get you some Mewtwo stones
Mega Pidgeot’s Yu-Gi-Oh hair
Whining about online infrastructure: part one million
Matt mispronounces at least 3 Pokémon names and Zane doesn’t call him out on it
What If Chatot Was Good?
Sinnoh confirmed
Pokémon is eSports now
Where is my fly Pokémon, Game Freak?
Literally every ROMhack is bad except one
The world’s nerdiest discussion about sprite dimensions
Someone please draw Zane swinging a Victreebel like a flail


One Nation of Gamers tournament Rundown
Nugget Bridge’s Portland Regionals coverage on Twitch
Ditto Magnemite plush
Pokemon Quartz Let’s Play (This is quite old internet, so be forewarned of Edgy Humour)
Bogleech Pokémon reviews, now completed!
Technology is incredible text / pics
The incredible reference in this week’s Thanks, Bulbapedia!

As usual, please visit us on the web (TwitterTumblr) and subscribe and rate us on Google Play and iTunes. We can also now be found on Discord!

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