Well folks! We definitely didn't get the next episode sooner! Herein, we discuss three rounds of news, a demo, the leak of the entire game's files and also Lickitung's ball handling. Pokémon Sun and Moon are imminent!

Answering a bunch of age-old questions like "will they reveal the starter evolutions" and "What is the NX?!" several weeks late, fuck, sorry
Aury vapes through Matt's entire rapid-fire Pokémon Go update
Matt rants about Nintendo's terrible accounts system again
Buy a 3DS if you haven't yet, they're going on $AAAAALE!
Our Pokémon hopes for the Switch (which we keep calling NX)
Them jingle!
We finally just respond to a question entirely with a Simpsons reference
Talonflame gets what is coming to it!
Put Dark Void in the toilet!
Buzzwole is the beefy friend we need in these trying times
Machamp cranking hog: part one of 19
Red and Blue are literally married and on their honeymoon
We run through every possible basketball meme in a quest to defeat the 95-96 Chicago Bulls

Clarifications/Corrections (The Smogon Research thread seems to indicate...):

Receiver indeed only inherit's a fainted ally's ability
Parental Bond apparently still activates secondary move effects
The Attack boost for Farfetch'd is 65 to 90, so its new Attack power with Stick actually dwarfs a Medicham with Pure Power considerably
No accuracy change to Swagger


Things that learn Splash (for Z-Move Splash)
Changed Base Stats / Abilities via Kaphotics 
Movepool Changes for older Pokémon
Fishy's fun team via Nugget Bridge
Bulbapedia Ship List
Bogleech Pokemon Reviews
Jamie Boyt's Cottonee 

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