Peter, my brother, is a bit of a mountain man if you can be a mountain man living on the prairies. He grew up stalking rabbits in the woods with his .177 pellet gun. He removed the stock back then so he could slide the barrelled action up the sleeve of his downfill coat to get past Mom in the kitchen so he could kill rabbits.  I don't know anyone that can put a sneak on like Peter.

Hunting together as brothers have changed our relationship for the better. We have spent weeks in the field together in the last 20 years, and together we have bagged  deer, elk, moose, duck, geese, and grouse. (Maybe you can lean on him to join me on a bear hunt.)

Peter got me in the game, and on this podcast, Peter will help us Elevate Your Game. Buckle up; it's gonna be fun.

A hearty thank you and manly slap on the back to Kolby Morehead, Producer, Sound Engineer, and expert Podcast Advisor. Kolby makes the podcast easier on your ears. And he makes me sound better than I do live.  DM or Follow Kolby on Insta@kolby_morehead