Episode Notes

Kate Hill wrote the book called Cassoulet, a French Obsession which is part recipe book, part history book, part charcuterie advice, part orientation to the southwest of France where Kate can drive to Bordeaux for delicious wine and to Armagnac for the premium regional spirit that competes with Cognac.  Hill breaks down the assembly of cassoulet and walks readers through each of the ingredients and provides detailed instruction on how to assemble and a cassoulet. Her advice about confit stems from her first-hand experience of the ancient art of curing protein in salt, slow cooking in fat, and storage in fat.

You can  follow Kate Hill on Instagram@katedecamont or check out her wonderful website at  https://kitchen-at-camont.com/ where you can sign up for her newsletter and book some excellent French culinary training by online course. You will quickly become a fan.

You can find more detailed information about Confit in Michael Ruhlman and Brian Polcyn's book entitled Charcuterie, where Michael talks about what he learned from Kate while visiting her in France.  And you will want to highlight whatever confit you end up making in a cassoulet.


A BIG Thank you to Kate Hill for helping us Elevate Your Game.  


And, a hearty thank you and manly slap on the back to Kolby Morehead, Producer, Sound Engineer, and expert Podcast Advisor. Kolby makes the podcast easier on your ears. And he makes me sound better than I do live.  DM or Follow Kolby on Insta@kolby_morehead