Jeremy cleans his guns regularly in sunny Southwestern Pennsylvania, where he lives. He came up with the idea for Hunt Chef in 2009. Back then there were no social platforms to spread his culinary Gospel. In the last three, four years He's finally been able to breathe a love into the brand and this mission. Critchfield reports that the resulting reception from the public has been overwhelming. He grew up in southwest Pennsylvania with a great family history of hunting, of cooking, including Sunday dinner after church. The Thanksgiving table of his childhood looked a lot like the Pilgrims because it had trout, grouse, squirrel, you know, rabbit and everything. 

Critchfield went off to culinary school and fast forward through what's now a 30 plus year career of  nothing but five-star top end restaurants and resort hotels.  Now he sports an awesome beard, wears  blue jeans and a t shirt on daily basis, instead of the tall white hat and Egyptian cotton coat. He founded Hunt Chef on the mission statement of helping people better prepare their harvest. And our motto that we live by is Eat What You Kill. 


We've got a lot of 12 seasonings, three sausage kits, three kits to make jerky and snack sticks in three blankets. And about 11 new products in in in production development right now. He's done all that to help people elevate their game.


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