Hank hosts 23 thousand members on his private Facebook Page "Hunt Gather Cook". If you ask nicely, he might let you in.  The value of connecting with a hive of this many outdoors folks with a culinary bend gives you immediate access to an astounding breadth of resources. 

You can follow Hank on Instagram at huntgathercook, where you can keep track of what he is preparing. You can buy all of his books on Amazon.ca (which I highly recommend you do A.S.A.P.) Check out his website at honest-food.net, where you can do a live search for nearly anything wild recipes. 

Thanks Hank! This was real fun!

A hearty thank you and manly slap on the back to Kolby Morehead, Producer, Sound Engineer, and expert Podcast Advisor. Kolby makes the podcast easier on your ears. And he makes me sound better than I do live.  DM or Follow Kolby on Insta@kolby_morehead

And, many thanks to Holly Heyser, who shared the book's cover photo for this episode of Elevate Your Game. Holly's photos make Hank's food LOOK like it REALLY does taste as good as it does.