“How Emotionally Intelligent Leaders Deal With Toxic Teammates


Now, more than ever, we need high levels of emotional intelligence as we return to work, continue in hybrid environments, and adjust to ongoing challenges in our COVID world. With high levels of stress and anxiety, Iggy provides the skills and support you need to be a wise leader who is rooted in your values, principled in your actions and effective in building high-performing teams.

BIO: Iggy Perillo is a leadership educator who created WSL Leadership to support leaders who are changing the world by leading with their emotional intelligence. She cultivates masterminds, provides training and coaches leaders who, in turn, create thriving teams that are productive and self-sustaining. Leaders who avoid teammate conflicts and uncomfortable work situations are the reason toxic culture grows, good co-workers leave and productivity drops. Iggy provides the skills and support you need to be a wise leader who is rooted in your values, principled in your actions and effective in building high-performing teams. Learn more about Iggy and her work at WSLLeadership.com.


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