In this recap, Marla and Mary discuss the 30th episode of Elevate Eldercare with Diane Meier, MD, director of the Center to Advance Palliative Care, a national organization devoted to increasing access to quality health care in the US for people living with serious illness.

While every podcast is a learning experience, both Marla and Mary were quick to admit that they both learned quite a bit about the difference between hospice and palliative care.

According to Dr. Meier, it is a common issue and concern for her and the national organization. Find out more about Robert Butler, who established the field of geriatric medicine and how he coined the term “ageism” back in the late 1960s.

Mary and Marla also discuss Dr. Meier’s comments about the fragmented healthcare system and why palliative care has not been widely adopted by long-term care, yet 76% of the hospitals in this country offer it.


Learn more about Robert Butler here: 

Find out where palliative care is located near you: