The early epicenter of COVID-19 was New York City and it
was hit hard. In this recap of episode #21 with Dr. Jeffrey
Farber, Marla and I unpack how the leader of The New Jewish
Home in New York City took on the enormous challenges of

Dr. Farber, president and CEO of The New Jewish Home in
New York City, a health system for older adults that serves
more than 10,000 clients annually through a diverse portfolio
of services across three campuses in Bronx, Manhattan, and

“Unimaginable” is how Dr. Farber described the initial months
of the pandemic. Marla and I discuss how he focused on three
critical items each day and how “leading by your core values”
was essential to him during this crisis. Find out what those
values include for The New Jewish Home and how important
he found self-care to be for himself and his team members. Have you ever heard of nature-deficit disorder? Marla will give
you the highlights and you will find out why Dr. Farber issued a
“doctor’s order” to his team to take time for nature!

Find out more about The New Jewish Home here: 

Find out more about Nature-Deficit Disorder: