For Mindy Cheek, senior vice president at Greystone, diversity isn’t a corporate policy or a buzzword; it’s an integral part of daily life, and for those who have been victims of discrimination and hate, treating the need for diversity and inclusion as anything less misses the wider point about representation and dignity. Susan Ryan sat down with Mindy in episode 97.  

In this episode of “Let Me Say This About That” Marla and Mary explore a number of topics they discussed, including the five basic points of a multi-layered topic.  What does it mean to be diverse, why it is important NOT to assume, listening for cues, building rapport and why it is important to be a tide riser!

Intersectionality was a new term mentioned in the episode, and Marla takes a closer look at its definition, when it was first created, and why it is important in this discussion about LGBT rights.

We also talk more about the contents of the North Texas LGBT-Friendly Senior Housing Guide and the criteria that organizations must meet to be listed within the booklet. Mindy said it was one of the best things that she did outside of the education work that she performs.


Show notes/callll to action: Explore the housing guide here:

National Resource Center on LGBT Aging and SAGE here:

Learn more about the story behind intersectionality: “Demarginalizing The Intersection Of Race And Sex: A Black Feminist Critique Of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory And Antiracist Politics.”