The essential theme of this recap episode is “Rethinking our Approaches and our Mindset.” Marla and Mary review the 37th episode of Elevate Eldercare with Susan Ryan and her good friend, Dr. Emi Kiyota. Emi is an environmental gerontologist and organizational culture change specialist.

She is also the founder and director of Ibasho, an approach that seeks to make communities more inclusive and resilient by empowering elders.

Both of us were fascinated by Emi’s insight and unique perspective on the role of elders through co-designing socially integrated and resilient communities with elders both in developed countries and in developing parts of the world.

Marla calls Emi a “real thinker” and explores why each of us should be taking time to think! Find out more about the Ibasho café and what is included in the eight Ibasho principles.


Learn more about Emi here: 

Read more about taking time to reflect: