Susan Ryan sat down with Gail Kohn, coordinator of Age-Friendly DC – an ambitious and comprehensive program that seeks to make our nation’s capital a more accessible and joyful place for seniors to live, from aging in place supports to community services to opportunities for forging intergenerational connections.

We’ve all heard the phrase “it takes a village.” Mary explores what it takes to develop a village like the communities that Gail discussed with Susan. Find out what resources are available to your community – especially if you are interested in creating a village in your city.

Marla takes a look at the World Health Organization’s efforts to make it easier for people to grow older within their local jurisdictions. Learn the components of social determinants of health, and the eight domains that cities and communities can address to adapt their structures and services to meet the needs of older people.

Gail mentioned the Olmstead Plan, so we talk about that ruling and what it has meant for those with disabilities, and why Gail made the connection with age-friendly D.C.

In addition, Marla talks about “what-iffing” and why we need to just open our minds!


Read about the WHO program here:  Global Age Friendly Cities Guide

Read more about the Village to Village Network:

Read about Helpful Village:

Read the “What Iffing” article here: