As a longtime advocate for better eldercare options, Susan Reinhard knows that calls for change will always be met with tough resistance from those invested in the status quo. Her advice? Be tougher.

Reinhard, the director of AARP’s Public Policy Institute, joins “Elevate Eldercare” to discuss her work as a collector and promoter of hard data that can bolster advocacy for eldercare reform. A nurse, educator, policy expert, and researcher, Reinhard draws on a host of different perspectives while providing empirical evidence to support AARP’s top legislative and regulatory goals.

From workforce shortages to a lack of comprehensive home health coverage to woefully outdated nursing facilities, the challenges facing eldercare reformers are numerous and complex. But Reinhard reminds us that just as society created the nursing home, forward-thinking leaders can create something better with the right combination of hard data, sound policy, and persistence.

Explore the AARP Public Policy Institute’s research:

View the Public Policy Institute’s Nursing Home COVID Dashboard:

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