What might be the answer to the workforce crisis in long-term care?  In this edition of “Let Me Say This About That” we explore the possibilities that Robyn Stone recently shared on Elevate Eldercare. Robyn is the senior vice president for research at non-profit provider organization LeadingAge and co-director of the LeadingAge LTSS Center at UMass-Boston.

Mary takes a closer look at the LTSS Center and the unique work that is developed by the researchers.  Marla dives into a Mid-Level Manager Competency Development Guide that was created through the center.  

Robyn says supervisors are the most critical linchpin for the retention of frontline team members along with a learning  environment that includes coaching and nurturing. And yet, she says few organizations pay attention to this.  We explore that comment and discuss why coaching is foundational in the Green House model. 

Robyn also said, “I think our main challenge is mediocrity and not the really bad apples, because you can always get rid of them.”  Marla will get you thinking about that statement and long-term care with a special article she found on mediocrity.   


Learn more about the Mid-Level Manager Competency Guide: http://www.ltsscenter.org/resource-library/Mid_Level_Manager_Competency_Development_Guide.pdf

Read the Essay on Mediocrity: https://inside-politics.org/2012/05/21/an-essay-on-mediocrity/

Learn more about the LTTS Center: https://www.ltsscenter.org/

Learn more about The Green House Project: www.thegreenhouseproject.org