With the delta variant surging among the unvaccinated and the looming specter of increased restrictions even for those who’ve gotten their jabs, the cycles of uncertainty that defined most of 2020 are currently making an unwelcome comeback. In Episode 107, Susan Ryan welcomes Tammy Marshall and Alex Spanko back on the podcast to talk about strategies for pandemic resiliency.

In this episode of “Let Me Say This About That”, Marla and Mary take a closer look at some of those strategies and the benefits for our wellbeing. We explore laughter yoga, biophilic design and the workplace, plus the five stages of sleep. In addition, Marla surprises us with a special strategy she researched for this edition.  We hope you enjoy!


Read more about Laughter Yoga:


Learn about recharge room for healthcare workers:


Learn more about the benefits of fishing:



Show notes/call to action: Learn more about The Green House Project: www.thegreenhouseproject.org