Architect Nick Seemann joins the podcast to discuss social architecture and design – the idea that people and physical spaces interact to create each environment – in eldercare and beyond.

The founder and managing director of the Australia-based Constructive Dialogue Architects, Seemann has a range of experience across a variety of settings, from overseeing housing improvements in remote Nepalese and Aboriginal communities to projects for homeless populations and other social organizations. 

Through Constructive Dialogue and Dementia Training Australia, a government-backed education initiative, he’s working on the cutting edge of social design and elder-directed care principles in the country.

Seeman passionately argues that environments matter for overall wellbeing – and that leaders can create positive, supportive, and empowering environments for elders in even the most institutional of structures.

Learn more about The Green House Project:

Explore the resources from Dementia Training Australia:
Creating Supportive Environments Online Course Trailer:
Course Link:
Activity Cards Support Page:
Resources Book:

Constructive Dialogue Architects:

Paul Pholeros and Healthabitat: