Previous Episode: Christ is Coming

As we make our way through, we will be confronted with this reality. Jesus is King, He is the Messiah, and in Him are the prophesies fulfilled. He has come to reveal His Kingdom calling the Jewish people and the world to become citizens of this kingdom. The overall message of Matthew is the Kingdom of Heaven, of which Jesus is King. Through Matthew's record of the life of Jesus, we are called to live in His Kingdom, accepting His rule in our lives, and walking as citizens of this higher country with the greater King. (See Matthew 11:28-29)

In this message, we turn our attention to answering the first of two questions that will help us grasp a better understanding of the overall message of Matthew. To accomplish this we will look at Paul's words recorded in Romans 1, and at the very beginning of one of the most doctrinally rich epistles, the Apostle lays out for us what you could say is Jesus’ divine rite to be King.

Jesus is the rightful King because of Who He is. Jesus was the fulfilment of all the Old Testament prophecies given by God concerning the coming King. He was the child born, and the Son given upon which the government rests. (See Isaiah 9:6)

Jesus is the God-man. He is 100% man and 100% God and will be for all eternity. He was not conceived after a typical human fashion. His conception was a supernatural divine work. It was only by the work of the Holy Spirit that God was able to become human (See Matthew 1:20). The Word God makes it clear that there was no human male input into this conception (See Luke 1:20; Matthew 1:24-25). As the truly only God-man He is the rightful divinely appointed King.