Every city, state, and country in the world has built memorials to remember significant people or events. We have special days declared as public holidays to commemorate events or people. On 25 April every year, we stop and say how we will never forget the men and women who sacrificed all. We remember the spirit of the ANZAC.

Throughout the Word of God, you will find what R. C. Sproul calls the “sacralization of space and time.”[i] Within the Old Testament, you will find special places and times where God interacted with His people or accomplished a mighty work on their behalf. Usually, these times were marked by a monument (a stone altar) or a special day (usually a feast day). Now in the New Testament era, what we call the church age, we have been given by our Lord two great memorials to the great work of the Gospel. They are what we call the ordinances of water baptism and the Lord’s Supper. We remember the Gospel by practising the ordinances.

[i] Sproul, R.C. (2013). What is the Lord’s Supper? (First Edition). Orlando, FL: Reformation Trust.