Ayurvedic Doctor Pratibha Shah speaks about the ‘No Pause Menopause’ and the importance of preparing for this natural transition so that you can experience it with grace and dignity and in the most optimal state of being. Colette and Dr. Shah discuss the following:

What is menopause. The three types of oestrogen. Typical symptoms of peri-menopause. The dosha-specific menopausal symptoms. Impact of menopause on women. Power of community during life transitions. Dr. Shah's five A's - The Art of Being. Recommended herbs for menopause.

To view the 'No Pause Menopause' presentation slides and read about Dr. Shah and her new products, please visit the Elements of Ayurveda Podcast Facebook Group.

Visit Dr. Shah's website here...MyAyurved.org

For more info on the daily habits please see Episode #16 Ayurvedic Dinacharya or Daily Routines 

Book a free discovery call with Colette

French Riviera Ayurveda & Yoga Retreat Oct 11-13th, 2019


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