Colette talks about the decline of the Pitta fire energy at the end of the Pitta stage of life. This declining Pitta energy can result in a decline in drive, competitive spirit, intensity and ambition and it can be a challenging time for many people if they're not aware of what's happening in their body and mind.

Ayurveda teaches us about the life cycles and how the energies of Vata, Pitta and Kapha can rise and fall during our life cycle affecting our own unique doshas. It's important to understand this process so we can flow with these transitions, maintain balance and enjoy these cycles rather than struggle through them.

Thank you to Banyan Botanicals for sponsoring this episode. Banyan Botanicals Immune Health Now combines some of the most powerful herbs in the Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia. This custom herbal blend was created this year and offers full-body support for robust health and a strong immune system—including a calm and clear mind. Take this formula to maintain your health this season. Save 20% on Immune Health NOW & other herbal immune boosters at

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