Colette chats with Marisa Laursen, lead faculty at the California College of Ayurveda about:

How did Marisa discover Ayurveda  What Ayurveda means to her personally and professionally Who are the ancient Rishis (sages) who first brought us the profound knowledge of Ayurveda and Yoga How did the Rishis come to know the knowledge of Ayurveda How are the Truths revealed by Ayurveda known to be true We discuss one of the six systems of Indian philosophy, Nyaya, which answers the above question.  The four different means of knowing Truth Direct perception Analogy Inference Testimony Forest academies  The Upanishads

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Last call for the Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse starting April 14th, 2018. Click on the link below to find out more info and to book your private consultation so that the cleanse can be tailored to you!

Individually-tailored Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse.

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