Ayurveda considers brahmacharya (sexual energy and desires) to be one of the 3 pillars of health along with proper management of food (ahara) and sleep (nidra). According to Ayurveda sex is not limited to reproduction and pleasure but that the management and balance of sexual energy is vital for the flow of ojas.

When ojas is plentiful it promotes mental and physical strength, endurance, strong immunity, healthy reproductive tissue, generous reserves of energy, compassion, love, empathy, creativity and contentment. Therefore, we need to be aware of the management and balance of sexual energy as it’s of paramount importance to the flow of ojas and our longevity.

In this episode Colette shares the following Ayurvedic guidelines:

Sex and the doshas of vata, pitta and kapha. Daily, seasonal and lifetime guidelines for managing sexual energy. Rejuvenating food to support your body and boost ojas. Ayurvedic herbs for a healthy libido and rejuvenation.

Download the Ojas Building Milk Recipe here


Click here to learn more about discounted group Digestive Reset Cleanse starting April 19th, 2024


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