Colette answers the following questions from members of the Elements community:

Dreams - "I am working very hard on balancing Vata. In my dreams, however, I am overly active, bombarded by lots of stimulation (in a busy market place, or behind on my homework or I'm lost somewhere etc.) and wake up feeling like I’ve been through the wringer. Do dreams also affect the doshas?"

Tongue Diagnosis - "Can you talk about how the tongue is a window to your health status and describe the specific characteristics of the tongue that signify an imbalance?"

Immunity - "Our immune system, how to boost it with certain spices/foods/daily activities. And when you do have an auto-immune disease how possible to balance that?"

To submit questions for the next Q&A podcast visit the Elements of Ayurveda Podcast Facebook Group or email Colette via [email protected]

Join the Spring Cleanse starting March 20th, 2020.

Find out more info on the Daily Habits for Holistic Health online self-paced course.

Book a free services enquiry call or online consultation with Colette here.

Thanks for listening!