Ayurveda helps us to understand the three major energy cycles in our lifetime and how we can follow specific life cycle guidelines to live in sync with these energetic shifts. Colette will discuss the 3 life stages of:

Kapha Stage - from birth to puberty. Learn about the characteristics, strengths & vulnerabilities of this stage. How to keep your child in balance & prevent illness. Pitta Stage - from puberty to menopause/andropause. Colette will discuss the characteristics, strengths & vulnerabilities of this stage along with the signs of imbalance in the body & mind. She will also suggest self-care practices to help you maintain balance in the Pitta stage of life. Vata Stage - post menopause/andropause. Colette will discuss the benefits of this 'Wisdom Stage of Life' and why we should look forward to this stage rather than fear it! She will also discuss how to prevent imbalance in the Vata stage of life by introducing healthy eating habits & self-care practices to promote graceful aging.

Want to understand more about your unique mind/body type and stage of life? Book your FREE Discovery Call with Colette via Skype/FaceTime/Phone.

Click here to register for my FREE Introduction to Ayurveda webinar.

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