George and Alison are joined by screenwriter and science educator, Athena Frost, to discuss Elementary's second episode.

Episode logline:

Two heirs of a fortune are murder suspects, but one sister has an undeniable alibi and the other is a coma patient. Holmes is baffled as to how a coma patient could be the killer until another addict in his support group gives him an idea.

Social Media:

Elementary My Dears on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook

Athena on Twitter

Show Notes:

Attic Theory the band

Scientific American on attic theory

Jon Michael Hill burning up the screen in Widows

Ok Go's Rube Goldberg Machine

Women's orgasms/walking study

Ben Shapiro's devotion to vaginal dryness

Ben Heck, who plays Ty (fucking Ty)...please accept our apologies.

Cheese is a drug.

Lock In, by John Scalzi

Biscuits with the boss

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