On today's episode, I am very happy to have the opportunity to speak with the CEO of EXA Arcadia about the platform, its hardware, the arcade scene today, and how EXA could revitalize arcades on a global level. Big thanks to the CEO of EXA to take the time to talk to me, a host of a humble but passionate podcast. He definitely wins homie award of the year! After this interview I am more excited than ever about the potential of EXA and can't wait to get my hands on one.

Also, in deference to my awesome audience, I will provide a list of tracks I used in this episode:

Intro song = Canal Fleet (arranged) from Ketsui
2nd song = Stage 3A (Arranged) from DDP Ressurection
3rd song = Stage 4 (Xbox 360 Arranged) from DOJ Black Label Extra
Final song = Name Entry (Xbox 360 Arranged) from DOJ Black Label Extra