At his final convention appearance in 2011, Leonard Nimoy revealed more in one sitting than anyone expected, at once telling his life's story and reminding us that "There's always room for one more good one".

At his final convention appearance* in 2011, Leonard Nimoy revealed more in one sitting than anyone expected, at once telling his life's story and reminding us that "There's always room for one more good one".

Pictured above: Nimoy (r.) and his son Adam (l.)

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Show Notes and Links

Leonard Nimoy on IMDb
The Return of the Jedi promo hosted by Leonard Nimoy, wherein he works wonders with awkwardly phrased cue card copy.
Zombies of the Stratosphere (1952) is 2 hours and 49 minutes long, and even though it's listed for sale on DVD, I think it's in the public domain or there wouldn't b e various versions of it on YouTube.
Jean Genet
The Vulcan Neck Pinch debuted in The Enemy Within.
"LLAP" first appeared in Amok Time, aka Spock in Heat.
Adam Nimoy's For the Love of Spock documentary raised over $600,000 on Kickstarter, and is in production as of the time this posts.
Catlow finds Nimoy both a bad guy, and...unusually naked.
The TV movie in which Nimoy plays the husband of Golda Meir is A Woman Called Golda. It is not on home video in any form, but it might be on YouTube, who knows.
R. Michelson Galleries' website indexes all of the photography exhibits Nimoy did with them over the years.
Nimoy spoke with NPR about The Full Body Project in 2007.
Nimoy's Secret Selves book is still available affordably priced in paperback.
Dallas Comic-Con talent coordinator Mark Walters made Nimoy's "convention retirement" event as special as it was in 2011, is also one of the best convention moderators around, and runs Big FanBoy up in Dallas.
(*)Nimoy would add appearances at two more conventions, but at the time, this was planned to be it, citing poor health.