We offer only the finest organic frog squeezins that are guaranteed to either turn you and your kids gay, give you an upset tummy, or just outright kill you. There's a surprise in every squeezing!

0:00 Intro
1:59 Music: Overture
3:23 From The Archives: Dragon Quest VII
6:10 Music: Intermezzo
6:39 Review Review: Dragon Quest VI
28:51 Music: Garden Of Time
30:34 News Of The Weird
52:12 Music: Triumphal Return
58:38 Outro

For all your Me needs! - www.jasonsgroovemachine.com
Intro music: Empty Victory - Savestates
Archives music: Cybernetic Celtic Wizard - Yerzmyey
Review music: Samicom -
News music: Ijha - beek
Outro music: My Ghostly Friend - smh