I mean really, you'd think if you're being featured on a site with that name you might have a littl more situational awareness as to what you're writing about. 

Wouldn't you think? Or am I putting too much into this? 

0:00 Intro (Empty Victory - SAVESTATES)

1:39 Music: Intro

3:08 From The Archives: Chaos Faction (Cybernetic Celtic Wizard - Yerzmyey)

5:16 Music: Wild West

7:08 Review Review: Cat Girl Without Salad (Peppy Hare Is Jealous Of My Ride - Maxo)

22:27 Music: Metropolis

23:53 News Of The Weird (Gradsong - smh)

34:18 Music: Universe City

35:57 Outro (My Ghostly Friend - smh)

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