Previous Episode: Ep. 349 - RIP Chuck

And remember to feel like whatever that one guy said about that one thing. I can't keep track of it all for you.

0:00 Intro (Empty Victory - SAVESTATES)

2:26 Music: Message Of Darkness

3:09 From The Archives: Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (Cybernetic Celtic Wizard - Yerzmyey)

6:38 Music: Bloody Tears

7:48 Review Review: Castlevania (Peppy Hare Is Jealous Of My Ride - Maxo)

27:49 Music: The Silence Of Daylight

29:00 News Of The Weird (beek - Ijha)

43:03 Music: A Requiem

44:34 Outro (My Ghostly Friend - smh)

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