Curse your god’s name, throw out your magical beast from another dimension and stand in the corner because we played Blasphemous, Astral chain and Blair Witch!

Warning we lost the audio and then fixed it. The mysterious bad audio segment can be found at the end of the episode.

All this AND MORE™!

Games discussed: Astral Chain, Blair Witch, Creature in the Well, Gears 5, Super Kirby Clash, Control, Blasphemous, Daemon X Machina, Smash Bros, Super Nintendo Entertainment System Nintendo Switch Online, Second Galaxy, Elite Dangerous, TF2, Death Stranding,Control, Overwatch, Deadly Premonition 2, Xenoblade Chronicles, Exit the Gungeon

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Eight and a Half Bit: @8AndAHalfBit
James: @JamesBowling
Paul: @MrParoxysm
Sam: @Methrend