The year is done and so are we. Did you like video games? We did!  We even name one of them BEST at being video game.  ENJOY!


All this AND MORE™!


Games discussed: Glittermitten Grove, Frog Fractions 2, Overwatch, Doom, The Witness, Pokemon Moon/Sun, Titanfall 2, Dark Souls 3, Hyperlight Drifter, Shadow Warrior 2, Stephen’s Sausage Roll, Obduction, Headlander, Hitman, Owlboy, Deadly Tower of Monsters, Inside, Battlefield 1, Uncharted 4, Panic at Multiverse High, Firewatch, Mafia 3, ClusterTruck, SUPERHOT, The Last Guardian, Pokemon GO, Devil Daggers, Astro Attack, Final Fantasy XV, The Tomorrow Children, Pony Island, Pocket Card Jockey, Abzu, Dangerous Golf, No Man’s Sky, Cat girl without salad, Recore, Severed, Tyranny, World of Warcraft: Legion,


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Eight and a Half Bit: @8AndAHalfBit

James: @JamesBowling

Paul: @MrParoxysm

Jeremy: @jeremyevans87