We farewell Two Tribes with their final game Rive and thankfully it's good! Also Jeremy tries to talk NBA 2K17 while James and Paul make it as hard as possible. But not before we commit some puzzle based murders in Slayaway Camp, create monsters in Spore and get confused by Pacman Championship Edition 2.


All this AND MORE™!


Games discussed: Rive, The Crew, Resident Evil 7, Pacman Championship Edition 2, Slayaway Camp, Plants vs Zombies Heroes, Spore, NBA 2k17, Bioshock Remastered, Hypnospace Outlaw, Dawn of the Devs, Daymare 1998


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Eight and a Half Bit: @8AndAHalfBit

James: @JamesBowling

Paul: @MrParoxysm

Jeremy: @jeremyevans87