28 years ago, Susan stood in front of a mirror, suicide note in hand, ready to end the suffering. That inner voice, relentlessly screaming "worthless," was imploring her to end it all. As she stood looking in the mirror, her 4 year old self's voice drowned out the protective voice and said "You're worth SO MUCH MORE! ANYTHING is POSSIBLE!"

It's not hard, if  you have the "right" tools to know how to navigate this sometimes very painful and challenging path. It's not as simple as "pull yourself up by your big girl/boy panties" and move on. You have to dismantle the past to navigate through your present and future.  

Becoming a spiritually expressed being living in human form (aka: who YOU are meant to be and living your highest potential with purpose, passion, clarity, confidence, and connection), is your BIRTHRIGHT...not a privilege for the few and "lucky."

Join Lana and Susan, who is a licensed psychotherapist, as they talk about Susan’s journey, her love of helping others Blossom into their “Higher, Beautiful Spiritual Beings”.