Pamela Mosher is a poet and short fiction writer who grew up in Scotch Village, Nova Scotia. Much of her writing draws on her experience living in a rural community. Pamela has a degree in Literature and a certificate in technical writing. After living in Halifax for half a dozen years, she moved to Ottawa, where she now lives with her wife and two young children.

Pamela has won Contemporary Verse 2's Young Buck Poetry Prize and been a finalist for the Ralph Gustafson Prize for Poetry and The Writers' Union of Canada Short Prose Competition for Developing Writers. Her work is can also be found in Best Canadian Poetry 2021.

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If you are a poet in Canada and are interested in hearing your poem on Eh Poetry, please feel free to send me an email: jason.e.coombs[at]gmail[dot]com

Eh Poetry Podcast Music by ComaStudio from Pixabay


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