Catherine Graham's book Æther: An Out-of-Body Lyric *Finalist for the Trillium Book Award* *Finalist for the Toronto Book Awards* now out with Wolsak & Wynn, Buckrider Books.

The Most Cunning Heart (novel), Spring 2022, Palimpsest Press.

Put Flowers Around Us and Pretend We’re Dead: New and Selected appears Spring 2023, Wolsak & Wynn, Buckrider Books.

Graham now lives and writes in Toronto, where she teaches creative writing, mentors privately, leads the Toronto International Festival of Authors Book Club, is an interviewer for Humber School of Creative & Performing Arts / Toronto International Festival of Authors By the Lake Book Club and the Writers’ Trust of Canada The Re-Read. She is also an Editor for Watch Your Head and the anthology Watch Your Head: Responding to the Climate Crisis (Coach House Books). Graham, along with Jessica Outram, hosts The Hummingbird Podcast: Conversation & Inspiration.

Follow her on Twitter, Instagram and The Hummingbird Podcast

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