Previous Episode: 2: MONEY / ARIAN
Next Episode: 4: HOPE / GOBAITH

“Mae’r olwyn yn troi, yn ara’ deg...”

At the third of Egin's Climate Conversations, we discussed the power that rebellious actions can have when they are committed to the building of shared visions of the future. Featuring Asad Rehman, Executive Director of War on Want, with performances from The Marmaladies, Sioned Eleri Roberts and Katherine Betteridge.

This podcast was created by artist Lisa Heledd Jones for National Theatre Wales. Join the conversation using #ntwEgin.

Egin was an artists’ residency which took place in Capel Curig, Snowdonia, devised to provoke fresh artistic responses to climate change. The Climate Conversations - LAND/TIR, MONEY/ARIAN, REBELLION/GWRTHRYFEL and HOPE/GOBAITH - were facilitated by Nant Peris-based artist Lindsey Colbourne.

National Theatre Wales, Wales’ English-language national theatre, uses our country’s diverse landscapes and wealth of talent as our inspiration. Our Creative Development department nurtures the bold ideas of theatre makers in Wales. Read more about what we do.

Egin was delivered in partnership with Natural Resources Wales, with support from the National Trust, British Council Wales and Snowdonia National Park. Thanks to Gentle/Radical, whose Decolonizing Environmentalism symposium inspired thinking around speakers we invited. @NTWtweets

Yn y trydydd Sgwrs Hinsawdd, trafodwyd y pŵer sydd gan weithredoedd gwrthryfelgar wrth adeiladu gweledigaeth gymunedol o’r dyfodol. Gydag Asad Rehman, a pherfformiadau gan The Marmaladies, Sioned Eleri Roberts a Katherine Betteridge.

Crëwyd y podlediad hwn gan Lisa Heledd Jones ar ran National Theatre Wales.

Preswylfa i artistiaid oedd Egin a ddyfeisiwyd i sbarduno ymatebion celfyddydol cyfoes i newid hinsawdd: i ddylanwadu gwaith newydd a dychmygu dyfodolau amgen. Gwahoddwyd ffigyrau ysbrydoledig i bedwar digwyddiad cyhoeddus i rannu syniadau ynglŷn â phedwar thema: TIR, ARIAN, GWRTHRYFEL a GOBAITH. Arweiniwyd y digwyddiadau gan yr artist Lindsey Colbourne.

Mae National Theatre Wales yn gweithio ledled Cymru gan ddefnyddio’n tirweddau, straeon a thalent fel ysbrydoliaeth. Mae’n adran Datblygu Creadigol yn magu syniadau eofn ein gwneuthurwyr theatr. Darllenwch fwy am ein gwaith.

Gwireddwyd Egin gyda Chyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, yr Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol, British Council Cymru a Pharc Cenedlaethol Eryri.

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