Questions for Further Reflection 1.     Read Ephesians 5:21-33.  What stands out to you as you read these texts?  Anything about these verses that takes you by surprise?2.     What are some beautiful examples of mutual submission that you have witnessed?  How has that example shaped your understanding of how we treat each other in the church?3.     Why do you think that authority and submission is such a difficult spiritual characteristic to build into our lives?  Is it ever appropriate to resist spiritual or marital authority and not submit?  Why or why not?4.     Paul is writing to Christians, and the assumption is, that he is writing to a spirit-filled husband and a spirit-filled wife.  With that in mind, does spiritual authority shift from person to person?  Are there times when it is right and proper for the wife to take the spiritual lead, if even for a season?  Why or why not?5.     Marriage is one of three earthly examples (the church and parents being the other two) of relationships designed to make us holy.  How should we pour into the relationships that knock off our rough edges?