What’s your background? Why you sold your agency? How did you sell your agency? How do you compare the agency lifestyle vs. your current lifestyle? What type of agencies you advise? Only digital? What’s step one to build an agency? Tell us more about your steps in terms of clarify, positioning, offering, prospecting and sales Top things to do to increase leads for an agency? How’s the ROI on facebook ads in terms of growing an agency leads? When using bots do you like to send leads from facebook ads to the messenger bot directly or to a landing page first? What are the 3 steps to turn linkedin connections in agency clients? Best practice to use Instagram stories and posts to generate agency leads? Best vlogging practices to win agency clients? How do you convert clients for an agency work? Do you prefer webinars or strategy calls to convert clients? In your strategy session funnel what’s your funnel order to convert agency clients? Do you prefer the membership model or the per project fee model for an agency? Do you recommend offline or online employees for an agency? What are the biggest mistakes agencies make when working with freelancers? What’s the processes that worked for you the best to manage the employees at your agency? How to find and train an agency sales rock star? Have you tested using call centers to sell your agency services? How to build a training program for an agency employees? What other top strategies that you recommend to scale an agency? Tell us more about your other projects that you are currently working on or planning for the future? Share with us some of the tools or software that make you more efficient? What's your daily life and work routine looks like?  What’s one marketing strategy that helped you the most in developing your business? What are your other hobbies? Who are your top 3 mentors? If you are just starting today in your field, from where you will start and what are you going to focus on to be more successful? The most important factors for success in 3 words? What’s the biggest failure moment in your life and what did you learn from it? What are the Top 3 apps that you use on your smart phone? What are the habits that you are trying to develop to stay efficient? What do you do to change your mood when you are depressed? What’s the best advice that you ever received? If you have the chance, what would you say to advice your younger self? What are your top 3 favorite books? What are the top 3 people that you are inspired by?  What makes you really happy?

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