Previous Episode: We are Fearsome

00.00.40: Introduction
00.03.00: Thank you to our returning Patron: Bill Paine
00.04.20: World of Gaming: Coriolis: Mercy of the Icons 3 is up for pre-order; amazing success of Monty Python RPG KS; Paranoia is kickstarting, again (yawn); gutter_PVNKS supplement for Cy_borg (not by Exalted Funeral as I incorrectly said); we are excited by Dragonmeet where the Stockholm Kartel will be appearing (in part); our little birds suggest Bladerunner core has arrived in warehouse, but still waiting for the Starter set.
00.51.44: Alien: Why money doesn't work, and how it could

01.23.26: Next time and goodbye

Effekt is brought to you by Fictionsuit and RPG Gods. Music is by Stars in a Black Sea, used with kind permission of Free League Publishing.

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