00.00.40: Introductions
00.04.28: Thank you to our new Patrons: Kevin J Feeley, Bjørn Ove Asprem, John Douglass
00.07.08: World of gaming - Tales from the Loop Starter Set; Tales from the Loop TV trailer; (a digression into Picard); The Gaslight Club; Cyberpunk Red
00.27.47: Colony Campaigns in Alien
00.48.59: Players in the Hamam - Dragonmeet Coriolis GM extraordinaire Dan Marriott
01.00.48: People of the Prison Planet - Key GMPCs from Song to the Siren
01.20.24: Next time, and goodbye

Effekt is brought to you by Fictionsuit and RPG Gods. Music is by Stars in a Black Sea, used with kind permission of Free League Publishing.

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