00.00.42: Yes, you may live! courtesy of SångHatten

00.04.16: World of Gaming – Vampire V5, Yndaros the Darkest Star, Western and Forbidden Lands

00.19.41: Review of the Year Part 1

00.29.45: How To Play Coriolis: Group Concepts

00.52.47: Review of the Year Part 2

01.07.40: Spectral Corsair Update

01.16.50: Players in the Hamam Special, the crew of the Corsair

01.36.50: #MinMaxMankind

01.39.26: Coming Next and Goodbye!

The Coriolis Effect. Presented by FictionSuit and the RPG Gods. With music by Stars on a Black Sea, used with permission of Free League Publishing. Imagery from NASA and the Hubble Space telescope, brought to you by wikimedia commons. Typeface is Code by Fontfabric

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