Sitting around the same mic for a change, we talk over each other just as much, as we discuss Forbidden Lands 121, creatures from our recent AP and the OGL.

00.00.39: Introduction

00.05.30: World of Gaming – Nemisis boardgame, and looking forward to Western, Things from the Flood and Flying Circus

00.21.24: Forbidden Lands One-to-one – with a Hat Tip to Tom Pleasant (and Jonathan Friendly, whoever HE is…)

00.45.16: The Aabdel’rd

01.04.27: The Year Zero Open Game Licence

01.10.25: We talk about next episode and say goodbye

The Coriolis Effect. Presented by FictionSuit and the RPG Gods. With music by Stars on a Black Sea, used with permission of Free League Publishing. Imagery from NASA and the Hubble Space telescope, brought to you by wikimedia commons. Typeface is Code by Fontfabric

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