We talk Kickstarter fulfillment; Dragonmeet adventures; and what to do with too many Darkness Points. We also interview Nils and Mattias; and Coriolis GM Remi Feyomi is our “Player in the Hamam”.

00.00.39: Introduction

00.06.24: World of Gaming – Forbidden Lands delivery! Forbidden Lands delivery problems! Emissary Lost delivery! Nibiru Kickstarter

00.25.22: Dragonmeet 2018 – how it went, especially our Forbidden Lands Grindbone Challenge

00.33.16: Interview: Nils and Mattias from Free League

00.56.40: Players in the Hamam – Remi Fayomi

01.11.38: Spectral Corsair update, and we discuss the “Darkness Point glut” problem

01.22.35: Next episode; Seasons greetings; and goodbye

There is a more than usual political commentary in this episode, please excuse a couple of citizens of a country with an apparently incompetent political class. Normal service will be resumed next episode.

The Coriolis Effect. Presented by FictionSuit and the RPG Gods. With music by Stars on a Black Sea, used with permission of Free League Publishing. Imagery from NASA and the Hubble Space telescope, brought to you by wikimedia commons. Typeface is Code by Fontfabric

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