00.00.40: Introduction
00.04.29: Thank you to our new patrons: Will Adams & Fredric Weilöv
00.08.31: World of Gaming: War Stories; Vaesen Britain and Ireland alpha drops; Dark Souls RPG sparks introspection from Dave

00.25.32: 2021 - A review of the year
00.46.45: Games Design: Concepts and Philosophies
01.05.22: Competition update! Win Twilight 2000! Just write a review of our podcast on the directory or review site of your choice and point us to it for a chance to win. Tell us via email Twitter or Facebook 

01.07.14: Next time and goodbye

Effekt is brought to you by Fictionsuit and RPG Gods. Music is by Stars in a Black Sea, used with kind permission of Free League Publishing.

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